PlAtFoRm FuTuReS


Over the course of the project the research group have used ‘Twiddla’ an online meeting platform.  It was used as a space for collaboration and communication, sharing ideas and information.

Its features allow you to create and attend virtual meetings, share documents, images and message instantly. You can also record meetings and replay them


Twitter is a platform for real-time short messaging otherwise known as micro-blogging that works over multiple networks and devices. Platform Futures trialed twitter for documenting opinions in response to a group discussion about the role of digital technology in young people’s lives. Using mobile phones the group texted their opinions to the platform futures twitter platform. The posts were visible ‘live’ to everyone during the session on the platform futures profile page which was projected on a large screen from a computer feed.


 What? "Twiddla is a sort of online meeting, you can share documents, images and messages over the internet".
It was used to access information, communicate and work with others, create and present ideas.

Benefits? " You can share ideas, info, and websites. You can instant message and draw".

Difficulties? " It is a little hard to get used to it. It can go wrong without rules with everyone drawing, writing or rubbing out".

Recommendations? " It would be good to use it @ KWMC for lot of reasons, you can do other things whilst in a meeting & youth groups can meet up on there".