PlAtFoRm FuTuReS


The Archimedia group at KWMC came up with initial ideas for the style, format and content of an interactive KWMC timeline to show key moments in KWMC history. The group especially wanted the timeline to show events relating to young people's involvement. The original aim was for the group to create a timeline from scratch using flash software. However time was short and it proved too difficult to do this.  It seemed a shame not to put the group's initial ideas into practice and so this online 'dipity' timeline tool was used to bring their ideas to life. Adelle, who came to KWMC to do a work experience placement created this basic timeline in the space of half a day. The timeline can be edited and updated as time goes on.

DIPITY Web tool evaluation

 By Adelle

BENEFITS "Very easy to make, you just need to type in  - or copy/paste the data and it arranges everything automatically".

DIFFICULTIES "On the main timeline that shows up as soon as you open the page, you can not see all the events, especially if there is more than one event in the same time period. To view them you have to double click on the year and it zooms into events of that period".

RECOMMENDATIONS "Useful in making timelines for the different projects taking place in the KWMC and to keep an online archive of the projects – to inform young people, keep them updated on the project, etc".