PlAtFoRm FuTuReS


 Platform Futures Young People's Research Group at Knowle West Media Centre have been exploring their visions for future technological devices. 
The group thought about what kinds of devices might be important and useful to them in the future. They considered future technological developments and changes.

GLOGSTER evaluation by Bob

 WHAT? "I made an interactive poster that people could look (at) and watch short videos. I used images and text to present my ideas".
(Used to create and present ideas & work).

BENEFITS? "It was easy to use, and it was easy to navigate around. It was like using 'word' (Microsoft Office application)".

DIFFICULTIES? "The only problem was that you had to find out how to use the website, but once you get used to it you would find it very easy".

RECOMMENDATIONS? "I think this would be a good way to advertise on the internet about KWMC".

They explored how future devices could allow them to ACCESS, COMMUNICATE, CREATE AND SHARE information, resources and ideas with others... anytime, anywhere, anyhow.... and other ways that devices could support their everyday lives.

Members of the group made these 'glogs', interactive posters, to present some of these ideas using graphics, text, images, sound and video. 

The group also experimented with making animated avatars (virtual characters) using an online tool 'Voki'.