PlAtFoRm FuTuReS


KWMC is a charitable 
organisation based in South Bristol, England. It offers creative services and media projects developed with, by and for local people including video, photography, design, music and multi-media.

Young people’s groups @ KWMC currently include ‘DIGITAL FISH’ (filmmaking), N-LARGE (photography) and ‘MOUTH of the SOUTH’ (media journalism).
To find out about KWMC a.k.a. Knowle West Media Centre go to KWMC's website by clicking HERE
To leave a comment go to this site's blog page by clicking HERE

PLATFORM FUTURES young people's research group has been supported by a PhD research student, based at KWMC, who is evaluating the role of new technologies in young people's creative practice in informal educational settings. 
The PhD research project is collaborative with the University of the West of England's School of Creative Arts. It is funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council, UK.
For background information about the Platform Futures Research Project click here